How To Clean Wool Carpets & Area Rugs — Pro HousekeepersExpert Tips for Cleaning Wool Carpets and Area Rugs



Wool rugs are special and unique. While it’s common for a lot of carpet and area rugs to be made up of cheap and forgettable materials, wool rugs come in an enormous array of hues and styles, ranging from single colors to intricate patterns.

If your home features one (or several) wool rugs, then you’ll need some advice on how to keep them looking wonderful. Whether you’re an apartment dweller or a homeowner who wants to DIY the process, or even a professional cleaner looking for ways to improve your cleaning service, we’ve got you covered.

What is a Wool Rug?

A wool rug or carpet is a woven floor covering made from wool, which is a natural fiber derived from animals. There are numerous varieties of wool used to create carpets and rugs, including:

  • Merino wool
  • Mohair
  • Melton wool
  • Alpaca wool

The most common wool-producing animals are sheep, but wool can also come from alpacas, llamas, goats, and even camels and yaks.

The wool in these rugs is typically washed, combed, dried, dyed, and woven onto a backing made of jute, cotton, or rubber.

What Are the Challenges of Cleaning a Wool Rug?

Cleaning a wool rug can be quite challenging and is distinctly different from the cleaning processes used for synthetic rugs.

  • Wool is a natural fiber that must dry completely after wet washing. Failing to do so may result in a mildewy odor.
  • Do not assume your regular detergent is safe for wool; always check the label to avoid damaging your rug.
  • Avoid using bleach on a wool rug, as it can damage the fibers and ruin the textile.
  • Wool rugs possess a natural waxy coating for protection, but allowing stains to linger can lead to permanence.

It’s crucial to understand these challenges before diving into the cleaning process.

What Cleaning Products and Supplies Do I Need to Clean Wool Rugs?

Here’s a list of cleaning products and supplies necessary for maintaining your wool rugs and carpets:

Cleaning Products

Cleaning Supplies

Wool-safe detergent and/or stain remover

Broom or carpet beater

Baking soda

Vacuum cleaner

White vinegar

Clean sponge

Gentle dish detergent

Steam cleaner

Rubbing alcohol

Clothesline or drying rack

As shown, you don’t need an extensive array of supplies to effectively clean your wool rugs.

How to Clean a Wool Area Rug

Cleaning a wool area rug is manageable if you follow these straightforward steps:

  1. Step 1: Use a broom or carpet beater to remove excess dirt, dust, and pet hair from the rug.
  2. Step 2: Vacuum the rug gently; avoid vigorous movements that may disturb the fibers.
  3. Step 3: Prepare a bucket with clean, cool water and add one or two tablespoons of wool-safe detergent—Woolite is a great option—and stir gently.
  4. Step 4: Starting at one end of the rug, take a clean sponge (not the one used for dishes!) and dip it in the solution. Wring it out to avoid excess water and gently clean the rug, re-dipping as necessary.
  5. Step 5: Use clean towels to absorb as much moisture as possible.
  6. Step 6: Hang the rug to dry, avoiding leaving it on the floor to prevent mildew.

Ensure that the water is not too soapy and do not oversaturate the rug. For stubborn stains, refer to the next section.

How to Spot Clean Wool Rugs and Carpets

You don’t need to clean the entire rug every time; spot cleaning can resolve smaller stains effectively.

  1. Step 1: Sweep, shake, and vacuum the rug as described earlier.
  2. Step 2: Apply a wool-safe stain remover to the stained areas of your wool rug.
  3. Step 3: Use a clean, damp sponge to gently dab at the stain. As the stain lifts, follow up with another clean sponge or cloth soaked in clean water to absorb moisture.
  4. Step 4: After removing the stains, hang the rug to dry. For wall-to-wall carpeting, consider using a fan to speed up the drying process.

For a visual guide, check out this video demonstrating the spot-cleaning process.

How to Use a Steam Cleaner on a Wool Carpet

Our professionals recommend steam cleaning your wool carpet at least once a year to maintain its appearance.

  1. Step 1: Lightly massage a powder-based conditioner into the carpet and let it sit for a few minutes.
  2. Step 2: Vacuum the carpet thoroughly to remove dirt and debris.
  3. Step 3: Spot treat heavily trafficked or stained areas as previously advised. Remember, some stains respond better to vinegar or rubbing alcohol than to wool-safe detergent.
  4. Step 4: Fill the steamer with water at the lowest setting. Avoid applying steam directly to the carpet; instead, hold it at least six inches away.
  5. Step 5: Use fans to expedite drying and prevent odors.

Typically, steam cleaning is unnecessary for area rugs; the outlined cleaning processes suffice.

Should You Hire a Pro Cleaner for Your Wool Rug?

There are circumstances where professional cleaning might be advisable:

  • Allergies: Professional cleaning ensures your wool rugs remain free from allergens impacting health.
  • Valuable or Old Rugs: If you’ve invested in an expensive or rare rug, trust a professional rather than attempt DIY cleaning.
  • Ineffective Spot Cleaning: If stains persist despite your efforts, professional dry cleaning may be necessary.
  • Extensive Cleaning Needs: Professionals can complete the task more efficiently than you might be able to.

DIY cleaning works for most situations, but for tricky stains or heirloom rugs, investing in a professional service is worthwhile.




What’s the best method to clean wool carpets and rugs?

In most cases, the answer is a bucket of cool water with a small amount of wool-safe detergent. Use a clean sponge to go over the rug, then allow to dry.

What are the pros and cons of 100% wool rugs and carpets?

The pros are that wool is a natural fiber that’s also quite durable and incredibly beautiful. The cons are that it can be delicate and may develop a musty odor if not dried properly after cleaning.

Does water stain wool carpets?

It can, so it’s important to absorb and clean spills as soon as they happen. Use bottled or distilled water if you have hard water in your home.

Should I steam clean wool carpets?

You can, but it’s important to be careful. You should use the lowest setting and keep the steamer about six inches away from the surface of the carpet.

Can I put a wool area rug in the washing machine?

You can, but only if it’s a small, lightweight rug with low piles. Remove as soon as the wash cycle’s complete and hang up to dry.


Cleaning wool carpets and area rugs doesn’t have to be a massive headache for you. If you stick to the straightforward DIY steps outlined here, you should find it easy to keep your wool rugs and carpets looking like new!



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