Best Practices for Cleaning Doorknobs and Light Switches: Frequency Guidelines

To be healthy and stop the development of diseases, there are mandatory rules for keeping the premises clean, the bacteria and viruses free.

As we usually give more attention on the cleaning of visited areas such as floors, countertops, and bathrooms, but often neglect the common touched areas instead – doorknobs and light switches. It must be kept in mind, though, that both types of surfaces are fertile ground for the growth of bacteria and viruses; thus, these are the areas that should be paid the most attention to and cleaned regularly.

We will also show the different correct ways of maintenance and the frequency of the use of daily cover of hands can highly decrease the spreading of these surfaces. In this guide, we will present the most effective ways of cleaning doorknobs and light switches that can help your home or workplace to remain germ-free. By following these guidelines, you can not only prevent human health but also, create a more hygienic environment for the living or working of every individual.

What are the Common Types of Germs Found on Doorknobs and Light Switches?

Before we get into the equipment that is going to be used or the cleaning procedure, we have to know specifics about them and start with the germs that can be found on doorknobs and light switches. They are an ideal place for bacteria and viruses like:

  • Colds and flu: The viruses that cause these highly infectious diseases are usually transferred by touch of a surface that is infected. Furthermore, the mentioned viruses can linger on surfaces for up to several days.
  • Staphylococci: This is the bacteria type usually present on the skin, and it causes infections if it gets access through any of the injuries on the skin.
  • Salmonella – (stay here) This bacterium commonly adjoins food-borne infections; however, it can also be spread by touching dirty surfaces and then putting unwashed hands in unwashed food.
  • Influenza (flu) virus: As well as the common cold, influenza can be easily spread through contact with germ-covered surfaces, such as from the common hand which has the potential to cause lung-related diseases.

The identification of the potential hazards associated with these herbs brings to the fore the importance of making an effort to clean the doorknobs and light switches regularly.

Importance of Proper Cleaning Techniques

Use of pertinent cleaning methods is crucial to the successful removal of germs and disease-causing microorganisms. Just cleaning surfaces without proper action may result in the survival and proliferation of bacteria, viruses, and dirt.

Eradication of disease-causing germs on surfaces is done by using the right cleaning agents, such as the disinfectants approved by health authorities. Procedures for usage are just as critical and the label instructions need to be followed for the needed contact time for the disinfectant to be effective to be included. A spotless appearance by the thorough inspection of the hardly visible areas, is a descriptive quality that gives one a fulfilling sense of cleanliness.

Furthermore, using freshly laundered cloths or disposable wipes helps prevent the possibility of cross-contamination in the process of cleaning. Clean hands are just a necessary requirement for the prevention and treatment of infections and diseases during cleaning efforts.

Best Practices for Cleaning Doorknobs and Light Switches

In order to ensure the best results, it is important to make use of the following best practices for cleaning doorknobs and light switches:

Always start with clean hands 

The proper cleaning of hands is the first step in maintaining cleanliness. Ensure you wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds before commencing any cleaning work. This is a very important step because it helps in the elimination of germs and makes sure you don’t transfer dirt or bacteria to the surfaces you want to clean. If no soap and water is available, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.

Do not disregard this seemingly straightforward step–your hands are in contact with many surfaces throughout the day, thus, they become the main transmitters of germs. A second portion of this is washing your hands, which is a necessary preliminary step for both effective cleaning and disinfecting. Such a combination not only safeguards against potential irritation but also takes the environment to a higher level of safety and hygiene.

Use the appropriate cleaning products 

Selecting the right cleaning products is important to the proper cleaning. Different surfaces are not created equal and, thus, the wrong product may risk damaging materials and not removing germs and dirt.

By way of illustration, for mirrors, select glass cleaners and, for door handles, apply disinfectants to high-touch areas. The product label must be checked every time to ensure it is proper for the surface you are treating with it.

Be careful that you don’t mix chemicals such as bleach and ammonia, as the combination thereof may cause the creation of toxic fumes. Not only do the right products protect the surfaces, they also help you to clean things better and safer.

Pay attention to commonly overlooked areas 

While cleaning, it is easy to clean the most obvious surfaces like countertops and floors and forget about the little, high-touch places. You should not only clean the common surfaces but also sterilize the germ-laden places, e.g. light switches, DVD remotes, door handles, and faucet handles.

It is a common occurrence for there to be many bacteria in these areas. So, you need to remember to get every of these area deeper cleaned in a weekly basis for a higher level of hygiene.

Germs are what will make the difference, if we implement the plan to deal with these often-forgotten areas and our place will be clean and free of danger in a longer term.

The ideal working time is to be followed for the highest efficiency 

Cleaning supplies usually get more cleaned when put on surface and remain for a while. Hence, they need to be in contact with the surface for a certain period of time to work most effectively. This is especially needed for disinfectants, as they are the ones that need to be allowed time so as to kill bacteria and viruses successfully.

Always find the label to know the time duration, which the disinfectant should be left on the surface before wiping it off. The fast work on this phase may weaken the cleaning process, hence, germs will be left behind.

By following the instructions and waiting for the recommended time you will get the best results at the end of the process, cleaner and safer. Patience and in carrying the operations accordingly ensure solid performance.

Avoid cross-contamination with cleaned cloths or disposable wipes 

Using dirty cleaning tools may just be the practice of transferring germs from one place to another instead of getting them away. For all intervals of cleaning, utilize only clean cloths and disposable wipes. Clean reusable cloths after each use and don’t try wiping the same area with one of them for more than once as that would be the issue of coming into cross-contamination with other surfaces.

In the case of heavy contamination, disposable wipes, or paper towels are good alternatives. It is not hard to get the items you are using to clean to be washed or replaced regularly apart from that, you will not be bringing the dirt and germs again to the clean environment. This is a small but powerful method that helps in maintaining hygiene and makes one use their cleaning ability to the maximum.

Implementing only these best practices is very important to preserve a clean and well-maintained living or working environment. The evidence is by following these guidelines, you can not only chase germs away but you also benefit from the prevention of diseases with a high level of safety for those individuals who partake in the sessions.

When is the Best Time to Clean?

The schedule for cleaning is varying according to the nature of a person’s program and requirements. People differ in regards to one person cleaning on weekends overdoing cleaning on a day-to-day basis which is preferred by the others. Nevertheless, it is generally recommended that you clean places where people commonly touch every day, or even frequently when in a public place.

It’s also beneficial to plan a regular cleaning timetable for other parts of your house or workplace. This makes sure that no place is left out for a long time and keeps a uniform cleanliness level throughout it all.

At last, the most convenient time to clean is when you are both energetic and have enough time for that. It is not at all advisable to rush through the tasks because in this way, you may put all the work at risk and thus possibly contaminate other surfaces.

Making cleaning a part of your everyday schedule can help assure that your place is clean and attractive to the eye without it being any tough work. By doing it regularly, you will find that your environment is cleaner and you will avoid many diseases and also reach a high level of well-being.


Are natural cleaning products as effective as chemical ones?

The specific product and the ingredients it contains are what you need to consider while making the decision. Some natural cleaners are just as powerful as the chemical ones, while on the other hand, some of them still might not possess enough strength to get rid of germs effectively. It is crucial to read the product labels and use them as instructed to ensure their maximum efficacy.

Can I mix different cleaning products together?

No, the mixing of different cleaning products is not a good idea. This can produce harmful gases and can also reduce the cleaning power of both the ingredients. Always use only one product at a time and follow carefully the instructions on the label.

How often should I wash my reusable cleaning clothes?

The reason for this is that the reusable cleaning cloths can become a major carrier of germs across the surfaces. In case the clothes are at the end of their lifespan and are heavily soiled, these may need to be washed more frequently. In the face of heavily soiled areas, disposable wipes can be a time-saver offering the benefit of less cloth washing.

Is it necessary to use disinfectants every time I clean?

Disinfectants are not always necessary for routine cleaning. So, for maintenance, normal soap and water or one-size-fits-all cleaners are usually enough. Nevertheless, during flu season or when infectious illness is widespread, the use of a disinfectant on high-touch surfaces can prevent the spread of germs.


Hygiene is a critical factor that determines overall health and is the best way to protect from diseases.

By observing proper cleaning methods that include keeping a proper contact time, usage of clean tools, and having a regular cleaning timetable, you can effectively kill off germs and minimize the risk of infections.

Also, do not forget to use handwashing and avoid going out when sick as part of a comprehensive measure to keep a healthy lifestyle, to live it to the fullest possible extent. When following all these advice, you can get rid of the pollutants giving health not only to the environment but the people around you as well.

Have you guys reached that stage yet? How do robots clean our home? Oh, come on and let me tell you all how to go about it.

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